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Fritz Hirsch


Born 1956 in Munich, Germany

1980 - 84    painting class
                   at Blocherer School, Munich

1985 - 91    Academy of the Fine Arts in Nuremberg
                   4 terms in the class of Prof. Colditz
                   8 terms in the class of Prof. Scharl

since 1991  working as a free-lance artist in Munich

1993           Art Prize of the city of Starnberg

Exhibitions since 1999

1999           Wessling near Munich
                   Galerie Risse

2000           Valletta, Malta,
                   National Museum of Fine Arts

2000           Blumenau, Santa Catharina, Brazil
                   Galeria Municipal de Artes

2000           Uzés, France
                   Galerie L’Arbre de Lune

2001           Munich
                   Galerie Bouton
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